Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru


Good Morning
A couple of important events to write in the diary from the Club. Please note the Bar will be CLOSED by 9pm tonight, Christmas Eve.
LUCKY No: Tonight, Christmas Eve is at $ 1000.00 for all financial members along with the raffles starting at 5.30 pm, last chance to win a Ham for Xmas Day.

NEW YEARS EVE: We are pleased to bring to you all, Sidewalk Sally from Dunedin in the Hall, doors open @ 7.30 pm
Restaurant closed - Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Boxing Day - Bar Meals ONLY from 12 - 2pm & 5-7pm
Dec 27th, 28th & 29th - normal hours
Our restaurant will be open New Years Eve, bookings are essential, please be aware this is filling up quickly so please make your booking to avoid disappointment.

Lastly Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all the Staff and Executive of the Oamaru Club

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz